Sprinkle a little magic on your day. Connect your tools, and take your daily workflow to the next level.
Browse and install extensions built by the community
Our top picks to get you started
Manage your Google calendar easily. Create events, search contacts, and check out your upcoming schedule.
AI-powered search that understands your queries and delivers precise, context-aware results quickly
Spotify's most common features, now at your fingertips. Search for music and podcasts, browse your library, and control the playback. Glance at what's currently playing directly from the menu bar.
The latest Extensions added to the Store
This extension makes it easy to display system built-in Notification Center and Raycast HUD via a quicklink or cross-extension launch, making the Raycast interface accessible to other applications or scripts.
Shortcuts for Backstage
Pieces for Developers Raycast Extension
Look up LEGO sets, colors, bricks etc.
Anki extension for Raycast
Customize MacOS folder icons.
Allows a Salesforce Developer to access and authenticate orgs availabe via the SF command line tools.
Searches Modrinth.com for anything listed.
Search Anna's Archive, the largest truly open library in human history
Preview Lottie and Rive Animations in Raycast
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