Sprinkle a little magic on your day. Connect your tools, and take your daily workflow to the next level.
Browse and install extensions built by the community
Our top picks to get you started
Manage your Google calendar easily. Create events, search contacts, and check out your upcoming schedule.
AI-powered search that understands your queries and delivers precise, context-aware results quickly
Spotify's most common features, now at your fingertips. Search for music and podcasts, browse your library, and control the playback. Glance at what's currently playing directly from the menu bar.
The latest Extensions added to the Store
Manage iOS simulators and Android emulators with ease. Boot, shutdown, and open simulators directly from Raycast.
Convert Mermaid diagrams to images
Search all Vuetify components and open the official documentation directly from Raycast.
Capture, organize, and find anything for you in your Notion workspace.
Save time moving files between folders. Define destinations once, use quick commands to copy or move files effortlessly
File uploader compatible with WebDAV
Iterative Deep Research powered by Raycast AI Extensions.
Allow AI to make simple HTML apps
Knowledge Graph Memory for Raycast AI
Give Raycast AI the ability to run Python, Bash, and AppleScript
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