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Virtualizor Enduser

Manage Virtualizor Enduser instance
6 Installs

Virtualizor Enduser

Manage Virtualizor Enduser instance!

This is a Raycast extension for Virtualizor Enduser instances.

🚀 Getting Started

  1. Install extension: Click the Install Extension button in the top right of this page OR via Raycast Store

  2. Enter your Virtualizor Details: The first time you use the extension, you'll need to enter the following in Preferences OR at first prompt:

    a. The URL of your Virtualizor Enduser instance (w/ Port) (e.g. https://example.com:4083)

    b. API Pair (API Key and API Password):

    • Navigate to API Credentials
    • Select Create API
    • Enter IP Addresses or leave blank to allow from all
    • Copy and Paste the API Pair