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Crypto mining resources via Hashrate.no
18 Installs


This is a Raycast extension for Hashrate.no.

🚀 Getting Started

  1. Install extension: Click the Install Extension button in the top right of this page OR via Raycast Store

  2. Get your API Key: The first time you use the extension, you'll need to enter your 'Hashrate.no' API Key:

    a. Sign in to your Account at this link

    (if you don't have an account, Sign up at this link)

    b. Navigate to User account (https://hashrate.no/account)

    c. Generate API Key

    d. Copy the "API Key"

    c. Enter this key in Preferences OR at first prompt


  • As of Initial Version you can get GPU Estimates and Coins. More commands will follow in the future.

  • As the Free Plan has a limit of 100 API Calls per month, the extension tries to cache results as much as possible i.e.

    • Coins will be shown from the Cache (you can see the "last_updated" to know how old the cache is) but you can easily Refresh through the Action.
    • GPU Estimates will show from the Cache IF you enter the same "Power Cost" as sbefore