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Search DocCheck Flexikon with Raycast
37 Installs

DocCheck Extension

About DocCheck

Search "DocCheck® Flexikon[, an open] encyclopaedia exclusively for the education and training of members and students of the medical profession (e.g. doctors, pharmacists, veterinarians, dentists) with Raycast. Please note that] this is not a guide to self-therapy and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment." [Source: https://flexikon.doccheck.com/de/Flexikon:Wichtiger_Hinweis, last accessed 06.04.2023]

Using the Extension

On first start, the content of the Main Page is displayed: top articles, newly created and freshly improved articles, suggestions for articles you can write or improve. This content is cached and refreshed every hour by default (you can change this Refresh Interval in settings).

An (already existing) article can be opened directly in Raycast (⏎ or →), in the browser (via ⇧ + ⏎) or the title can be used as search text in the AMBOSS search (via ⌥ + ⏎). You can also copy the article URL directly to the clipboard (via ⌘ + C).

Once you have opened an article, you can press ⇧ with the above mentioned keys to search for the original search term entered (if you have opened the article from a search) and open the displayed article in edit mode in your browser (via ⌘ + E). If you click on a link, the following article will also open directly in Raycast by default (you can change this Navigate in to browser in settings), you can then go back and forth with the arrow keys (← or →) or (if you have clicked through some articles and do not want to press ← repeatedly) return to the home page with ⌘ + H.

While you are browsing DocCheck, a history of your last visited articles is created. By default, the 3 most recently visited articles are displayed on the home page. You can change the Number of history items on the home page or turn it off in settings.