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Shortcuts Search

List, search and run shortcuts for different applications
2,660 Installs

Shortcuts Search RayCast extension

Allows to list, search and run shortcuts for different applications.

By selecting shortcut extension actually runs the shortcut using AppleScript.

Data is taken from: https://hotkys.com.

Please see contribution guide for adding new shortcuts here.


List All Shortcuts

Show shortcuts for all available desktop or web applications.

List Current Shortcuts

Show shortcuts for the frontmost desktop application. Command will exit if no desktop application is detected or if it is missing in the Hotkys database.

List Current Web Shortcuts

Show shortcuts for the frontmost web application. Command will exit if no web application is detected or if it is missing in the Hotkys database.

  • Supported browsers: Safari, Chrome, Arc.
  • Not supported browsers: Firefox.

Copy Current App's Bundle ID

Saves current app's bundle id in the clipboard. Useful for contributing new shortcuts.


list of all applications search of applications list of all shortcuts for safari search of shortcuts for safari