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Quickly find resources in your DigitalOcean team
AvatarShukant Pal
267 Installs



Search Container Registry

Search for images in your container registry on DigitalOcean, and open the repository in the DigitalOcean console. Moreover, you can browse the tags of the selected repository and copy them.

Search Database Clusters

Search for database clusters on DigitalOcean. Moreover, view the connection URIs and database metadata of the selected cluster.

Search Domains

Search your domain records in DigitalOcean Networking, and copy the hostname or value of the DNS records. Moreover, create a new DNS record without leaving Raycast (requires write-access token).

Search Droplets

Search your droplets in DigitalOcean, and view their IP addresses and metadata. Moreover, press Enter to view the droplet in the DigitalOcean console.

Search Kubernetes Clusters

Search your Kubernetes clusters in DigitalOcean, and get the doctl command to connect to them. Moreover, view the cluster in the DigitalOcean console.

Search Projects

Search your projects in DigitalOcean, and go to them directly in your browser.

Search App Platform

Search your apps in DigitalOcean, and go to them directly in your browser.


Before you can use DigitalOcean, you must generate a Personal Access Token: