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Power Management

Change Power Management Settings of the system
AvatarSasivarnan R
1,078 Installs

Power Management

Change Power Management Settings of the system

Authenticate with Touch ID

Changing power management settings requires administrator privileges. By default this is done via username & password. If you would rather use your fingerprint to authenticate you must modify your sudo configuration (note: this change will apply to sudo globally, not just within Raycast).

macOS Sonoma (14) and Later

  1. Copy /etc/pam.d/sudo_local.template to sudo_local:
    sudo cp /etc/pam.d/sudo_local.template /etc/pam.d/sudo_local
  2. Remove the comment character (#) from the auth line in sudo_local:
    # sudo_local: local config file which survives system update and is included for sudo
    # uncomment following line to enable Touch ID for sudo
    auth       sufficient     pam_tid.so

macOS Ventura (13) and Earlier

  1. Open /etc/pam.d/sudo in your preferred text editor
  2. Add auth sufficient pam_tid.so to the list of auth entries:
    # sudo: auth account password session
    auth       sufficient     pam_tid.so
    auth       sufficient     pam_smartcard.so
    auth       required       pam_opendirectory.so
    account    required       pam_permit.so
    password   required       pam_deny.so
    session    required       pam_permit.so
  3. Save and close the file

Note: /etc/pam.d/sudo is a default macOS file so it will be overwritten by system updates. You will have to reapply this change after each time you update macOS.