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Linak Desk Controller

Control the height of standing desks manufactured by Linak, for example the Ikea Idasen desk.
98 Installs
Supports Ask AI

Linak Desk Controller

Control the height of your Linak desk using bluetooth, for example the Ikea Idasen desk.

This extension is a wrapper around linak-controller and requires python 3 to be installed on your system.

For supported devices please check the list here: Supported desks


  1. Install linak-controller and make sure it's available in your path.
pip3 install linak-controller
  1. Set your desk to pairing mode (usually by holding down the bluetooth button) and pair your desk with your computer using Bluetility by clicking on it in the device list.

  2. Copy the UUID of the desk by right clicking on the device in Bluetility and selecting "Copy device identifier". Bluetility screenshot

  3. Run the extension and add the UUID and your preferred standing and sitting heights to the extension settings.

  4. (Optional) Set up keyboard shortcuts to toggle between your preferred heights 🥳

Server Mode

You can run the extension in server mode in order to keep a persistent connection making the response time a lot quicker.

  1. Enable server mode in the extension settings
  2. Start the server in your terminal by running linak-controller --server

See the Using the Server for more information on server mode.


Make sure that linak-controller is installed and available in your path. If linak-controller is installed and works in your terminal but not in Raycast run which linak-controller in your terminal and add the python bin path to the extension settings .i.e.

which linak-controller

In this case you would add /opt/homebrew/bin/ to the extension settings.