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Manage your expo.dev Projects, Apple Devices and Enviroment Variables
AvatarJust Patrick
27 Installs

Expo Raycast Extension

Expo Logo


The Expo Raycast Extension allows you to manage your Expo.dev projects, Apple devices, and environment variables directly from Raycast. This extension provides a seamless way to interact with your Expo projects, view and manage Apple devices, and handle environment variables without leaving your Raycast environment.


  • Login: Authenticate with your Expo account.
  • Manage Projects: View and manage your Expo projects, including builds, submissions, and updates.
  • Apple Devices: View, create, and edit Apple devices registered with your Expo account.
  • Environment Variables: View, create, edit, and delete environment variables for your Expo projects.



  1. Open Raycast and search for "Expo Login".
  2. Enter your Expo account credentials.
  3. Once logged in, your session will be saved, and you can use other commands.

Manage Projects

  1. Open Raycast and search for "Manage Projects".
  2. Select a project to view its details, including builds, submissions, and updates.
  3. Perform actions such as viewing activity, builds, submissions, and updates.

Apple Devices

  1. Open Raycast and search for "Apple Devices".
  2. View the list of Apple devices registered with your Expo account.
  3. Add new devices by scanning a QR code or edit existing devices.

Environment Variables

  1. Open Raycast and search for "Environment Variables".
  2. Select a project to view its environment variables.
  3. Create, edit, or delete environment variables as needed.

Project Structure

  • src: Contains the source code for the extension.
    • components: Reusable components used across the extension.
    • lib: Utility functions, constants, and types.
    • views: Different views for managing projects, devices, and environment variables.
    • commands: Entry points for different commands (e.g., login, manage projects).


  • @raycast/api: Raycast API for building extensions.
  • @raycast/utils: Utility functions for Raycast extensions.
  • @tanstack/react-query: Data-fetching library for React.
  • axios: Promise-based HTTP client.
  • qrcode: QR code generation library.
  • typescript: TypeScript for type checking.
  • eslint: Linting tool for JavaScript and TypeScript.
  • prettier: Code formatter.


  • build: Build the extension.
  • dev: Run the extension in development mode.
  • fix-lint: Fix linting issues.
  • lint: Run linting.
  • publish: Publish the extension to the Raycast Store.


Contributions are welcome! Please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bugfix.
  3. Make your changes and commit them.
  4. Push your changes to your fork.
  5. Create a pull request to the main repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.



  • Thanks to the Raycast team for providing an excellent platform for building productivity tools.
  • Thanks to the Expo team for creating a powerful framework for building cross-platform applications.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance. Happy coding! 🚀