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Search and browse your Readwise Library.
AvatarStefan Natter
3,034 Installs


Raycast extension to search and browser your Readwise library.


  • Search recent Highlights
  • Search recent entries of your Readwise Library (books, articles, ...)


Readwise API Token

In order to use this extension, you have to get an API Token for your Readwise account.

  1. Open https://readwise.io/access_token
  2. Click the "Get Access Token" button
  3. Copy your new token and paste it in Raycast's required preference item of the extension

Page Size

Readwise allows to specify the number of results per page. The default is 100, and can be anything between 1 and 1000.

Open the Readwise extensions settings and change the value of "Page Size" according to your needs.