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Restart System Processes

Restart system processes such as Finder, Dock, Menu Bar, Audio and more!
AvatarMuzhen Gaming
910 Installs

Restart System Processes

Mac feeling sluggish? Hit the refresh button on your system!

We’ve all been there: your trusty Mac starts acting up. Finder freezes, the Dock disappears, or your audio goes haywire. 😠

Instead of a full reboot, this extension lets you surgically restart individual system processes like Finder, Dock, Menu Bar, Audio and more! Get back to work faster with a quick refresh. ✨


By default, the following processes can be restarted:

  • Finder
  • Dock
  • SystemUIServer (e.g. Menu Bar)
  • Audio
  • Bluetooth
  • WindowServer



Some processes require root privileges to restart. However, this extension is unable to request you to enter your password. Therefore, if some processes are not working for you, then you have to enable Touch ID authentication for sudo command.

Simply follow the guide here: https://apple.stackexchange.com/a/466029.

Advanced Mode

With this option enabled, all the currently-running system processes are listed. This means you can restart any ⚡ system process on your Mac!

Additionally, the extension uses launchctl stop to restart them.