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Get online in 60 seconds with our AI powered website builder. Showcase your brand, schedule appointments, and sell products all at your fingertip.

Fingertip for Raycast

Quickly manage your Fingertip.com websites directly from Raycast. Browse your sites, create new ones, and access your content without leaving your keyboard.


  • Browse and search all your Fingertip websites
  • Create new sites with custom settings
  • Navigate directly to editors and live sites
  • Manage everything with keyboard shortcuts


  1. Get your API key from fingertip.com/account/api
  2. Enter your API key in the extension preferences
  3. Start managing your Fingertip sites!


  • List Sites: Browse and search all your websites
  • Create Site: Quickly set up a new website

About Fingertip.com

Fingertip is an AI-powered website builder that helps you get online in 60 seconds. Showcase your brand, schedule appointments, and sell products all at your fingertip.


For issues or feature requests, please submit them through the Raycast extensions repository.