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TimeCrowd Tracker

Track your time with TimeCrowd
18 Installs

TimeCrowd Tracker

Track your time with TimeCrowd

Getting Started

To use this extension, you need your TimeCrowd API Token.

  1. Go to https://timecrowd.net/oauth/applications
  2. Click "New Application"
  3. In the Name field, enter a name of your choice for the application.
  4. In the Redirect URI field, enter urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob.
  5. Click "Submit" then click "New token" then click "Issue"
  6. Copy the token

Start/Stop Time Entry

This command displays a list of time entries for the past week.

  1. By pressing "Enter" on a time entry, you can start/stop the time entry.
  2. You can start a new time entry by selecting "Create a new time entry" and inputting a title and category. Additionally, it's possible to automatically fetch the title from the page you are currently viewing.