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View your TeslaMate data in Raycast
AvatarMortada Sarheed
30 Installs

TeslaMate drawing

Raycast Extension to retrieve info about your Tesla from your TeslaMate instance.

How to get started?

You need the following to get started

  • A running TeslaMate instace
  • Service Account Token for your Grafana instance
  • UID of datasource in Grafana

How to create Service Account Token for Grafana

  1. Go to your Grafana instance
  2. In the left menubar click on Users and access
  3. Click on Service accounts
  4. Click on Add service account
  5. Choose any Display name for your service account
  6. Set service account role to Viewer
  7. Click on Create
  8. Click on Add service account token
  9. Choose any Display name for your service account token
  10. Set Expiration to No expiration
  11. Copy your token to the TeslaMate Raycast Extension πŸŽ‰

How to get the UID of the datasource

  1. Go to your Grafana instance
  2. In the left menubar click on Connections -> Data sources
  3. Click on the DB TeslaMate PostgreSQL
  4. The URL should now show something like /connections/edit/Pxxxxxxxxx
  5. The Pxxxxxxxxx is the UID of your data source - copy it to the TeslaMate Raycast Extension πŸŽ‰


  • Drives Command (Show latest drives info)
  • Add charging cost to charges command
  • Get locking and sentry state (if possible from the db)
  • ....