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View the media in your Plex Media Server
AvatarMortada Sarheed
731 Installs

Plex Extension

This extension allow you to view all the media in your Plex Media Server.

How to get started

You will need the following two things:

  • The URL of your Plex Media Server instance
  • Your X-Plex-Token

How to get your X-Plex-Token

  1. Go to your Plex Media Server Instance in your browser
  2. Click on any media that you have in your media server
  3. Click on the three dots on media page
  4. Click on Get Info in the dropdown menu
  5. Click on View XML
  6. This will open a new tab in your browser
  7. Look at the URL, at the end you should see something like X-Plex-Token=9CrteLgK6tPlNYTElFoN
  8. That is your X-Plex-Token now input this into the extension
  9. ✅ Done.