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Markdown Codeblock

Wraps your code in a markdown codeblock
133 Installs

Markdown Codeblock

Wraps your code in a Markdown code block.

This works well when chatting with AI, as it provides more context for the code block.

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How to Use

Paste from Clipboard

  1. copy the code you want to wrap in a codeblock and run the command
  2. select the language you want to use for the codeblock and press enter (⏎)

Paste from Selection

  1. select the code you want to wrap in a codeblock and run the command
  2. select the language you want to use for the codeblock and press cmd + enter (⌘⏎)

Markdown Codeblock


I have the following code in my clipboard:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Hello, World!")

I run the command and select go as the language for the codeblock:

and the codeblock is inserted in the markdown file:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Hello, World!")


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