Extension Icon

Open Path

Open path and link from selection or clipboard in Finder, browsers, terminal, etc.
2,168 Installs

Open Path

Open path and link from selection or clipboard in Finder, browsers, terminal, etc.


  • if select Open in Finder | Browser (default option), it will open path or link in default app (path in Finer, url in browser , email in Mail).

  • If select Open in Terminal

    • If the top app is the Finder, it will open the terminal (with Preferred Terminal) in the current directory.
    • If the top app is not the Finder, it will automatically detect path or link from selection or clipboard and open it in default app (path in Preferred Terminal, url in browser , email in Mail).

✨ Web pages can be quickly previewed in Safari (by installing the shortcut Peek Url and selecting Peek in Safari in Settings)

The following are supported, try it:

  • File/Directory: /Users/Username/Desktop/image.png, /Users/Username/Desktop, ~/Desktop
  • URL: https://www.raycast.com, www.raycast.com, raycast.com
  • URL Scheme: raycast://confetti
  • IP address:
  • mailto: mailto:hello@raycast.com
  • Email address: hello@raycast.com

🌟🌟To make it easier and faster to use, it is recommended to set shortcut keys for the extension