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Pick Your Wallpaper

Lets you pick a wallpaper from a folder of finder.
AvatarHugo Marfani
651 Installs

Pick your wallpaper

This Raycast extension allows you to quickly change your desktop wallpaper by selecting an image from a folder of your choice.


This extension requires you to have Raycast installed on your Mac.


Before using this extension, you need to configure the folder path for the images you would like to be able to select from. To do this, simply run the Pick Your Wallpaper command in Raycast and select the Configure option. You will be prompted to enter the folder path for your images. You can also set the Show Title property in the prefrances to show or hide the titles of the images in the grid view.


To use this extension, simply run the Pick Your Wallpaper command in Raycast. You will be presented with a list of images in the folder you configured. Select the image you would like to set as your wallpaper, and it will be applied immediately.


If you encounter any issues or have any questions about this extension, please feel free to open an issue on the GitHub repository or contact the developer directly.