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Wise Quotes

Effortlessly calculate international money transfers between USD and any target currency using the Wise API. Instantly generate quotes, access exchange rates, and estimated delivery times.
AvatarHugo Licón
355 Installs

Exchange Rate

Effortlessly calculate international money transfers between USD and any target currency using the Wise API. Instantly generate quotes, access exchange rates, and estimated delivery times. Make informed financial decisions directly from your Raycast workspace.

:warning: This project uses the Wise API to provide real-time currency exchange rates and currency conversion. Please note that the use of the Wise API is subject to the Wise Terms of Use. This project is not affiliated with or endorsed by Wis. Please use this project responsibly and do not abuse the Wise API or violate any applicable laws or regulations.


The extension requires a Default Target Currency to work. The same currency will be used for all commands.

For the get-wise-quote command, there is an optional configuration for the default source amount in USD. This amount will be overridden if you provide a custom amount in the command.


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