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Add and view notes in Productboard quickly. Supports markdown.
AvatarHonza Toman
243 Installs




Currently, this extension can:

  • view existing notes
  • add new notes

You'll also need a Public API Access token. To create access token, go to Integrations. Scroll down to Public API section and create a new one to use with Raycast. You will need to have admin rights to be able to do it.

Then, paste access token into the Raycast preferences for this extension.

Note: You need to create Access token. Do not confuse it with GDPR Public API key.

Additional preferences

Adding metadata to your note can make the note triaging in the Productboard easier. You can set default presets for them.

  • Default tags – adds a default set of tags in add note dialog. Can be overriden.
  • Default Said by – adds a default email to Said by field in add note dialog. Can be overriden.