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Repo Launcher

Launch code repositories in various applications and on GitHub.com, targeted primarily at developers.
AvatarGrant Sander
152 Installs

Repo Launcher

If you're a developer, there's a chance you work with multiple code repositories on a daily basis, opening them in your favorite code editor, your terminal, and on github.com. You might even spin up sample projects just to experiment.

This Raycast extension allows you to quickly search and launch your code repositories/projects in your favorite applications and on GitHub.com.

Repo Launcher Example


Step 1: Install the extension

Install the Repo Launcher extension from the Raycast store. If you're reading this, you've probably already done this.

Step 2: Configure your containing directories

Once the extension is installed, run the Launch Repo: Settings command to open up the settings view.

Example of the settings view and selecting the "New Containing Directory" option

Select the New Containing Directory option, select a folder that contains your code repositories (like a ~/Projects or ~/Code folder), and submit the form.

Add as many as you need. You might have a core ~/Code directory that your "real" projects live in and a ~/Playground directory for experiments.

Step 3: Configure your applications

From the Launch Repo: Settings view, select the New Launch Application option, select an application, and submit the form. For most applications, this should Just Work.

Example of the settings view and selecting the "New Launch Command" option

If you have an application that requires a custom command to launch a project, you forego selecting the application and instead enter a Raw Command which will be executed from the root of the project directory you're attempting to launch.

For example, with JetBrains IDEs you might install a command line launcher command (like pycharm) in /usr/local/bin and then use the raw command pycharm . to launch the project in PyCharm IDE.

Step 4: Launch your projects

From the Raycast command bar, run the Launch Repo command. You'll be presented with a list of all projects that live within the containing directories you selected. You can search this list to narrow it down.

Once you've found the project you want to launch, press Enter to launch it in the first application in your "Launch Commands" list from the settings view. Or press Cmd + K to select a different application to launch it in.

Repo Launcher Example

Bonus: Add a Command Alias or Shortkey for the Launch Repo command

For quick access to the Launch Repo command, you can add a command alias or hotkey to it.

Example of configuring an alias or hotkey