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Fix Link Embeds

Fix Instagram, Twitter, Reddit and TikTok embeds by using proxy services (e.g. ddinstagram, fxtwitter).
224 Installs

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Fix Link Embeds

Replace links in your texts (clipboard, selected, argument) to get the shiny embeds for platforms such as Discord & Telegram. Choose which services you want to enable/disable.

🧬 Supported Services

  • Instagram ddinstagram
  • Twitter fxtwitter
  • Reddit rxyddit
  • Tiktok tiktxk

💡 Features

  • Replace in the links in your clipboard.
  • Replace in the selected text.
  • Replace in the text as argument.
  • Enable/disable which services to replace in text.
  • Disable extension completely.

📀 Demo

🙋‍♂️ More Services

Please create an issue or edit this extension by yourself to add more services! Simply edit src/assets/regexList.ts properly.