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Outline Document Search

Search documents in multiple instances of Outline.
AvatarDaniel Fürst
76 Installs

Outline Search

This extension allows you to search for documents across one or more instances of Outline, including Cloud and Self-Managed instances.


To use this extension, you need to obtain an API key from your Outline instance(s). You can then configure the extension by adding the Outline instances you want to access through Raycast, specifying a unique name, the instance's URL, and the API key.


This extension provides two commands:

  1. Manage the configured Outline instances.
  2. Search for documents across some or all of the configured Outline instances. If you have multiple instances, you can select which ones to search.

The search results are grouped by Outline instance and display the matching documents along with a preview. You can then choose to open the desired document in your default browser.