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Search for Streams, Channels or Games on Twitch
1,636 Installs

Twitch Extension


I've got a blank page when I open the command.

When the search query is empty, this is likely normal:

  • for the "Search Games" command, this empty screen will become populated with your recent searches.
  • for the "Search Streams" command, this empty screen will become populated with your recent searches.
  • for the "Following Channels" command, this empty screen will become populated when you follow a channel on Twitch.

Why does it say "deprecated" on the "Client ID" and "Authorization Token" preferences?

This extension used to require you to provide your own Client ID and Authorization Token obtained from a 3rd party application (twitchtokengenerator.com/quick/DvKMUdT92X or twitchapps.com/tokengen). This is no longer the case and we now use Raycast to manage the authentification process. This new process is much more secure and easier to use, but we've kept the old fields for retro-compatibility.