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Ethereum Utils — EVM Development

Collection of utils for Ethereum and EVM-compatible chain development
AvatarTimur Badretdinov
478 Installs


Convert Decimal UnitsConvert Decimal Units

Converts decimal unit values

Checksum AddressChecksum Address

Validates and converts address checksum casing

Search ChainsSearch Chains

Searches EVM chain by name or id

Decode Function SignatureDecode Function Signature

Decodes the signature using 4Byte registry

Decode Event TopicDecode Event Topic

Decodes the topic using topic0 registry

Decode ABIDecode ABI

Decodes a constructor, function, or event using given ABI

Encode ABIEncode ABI

Encodes a constructor, function, or event using given ABI

Resolve NameResolve Name

Resolves decentralized naming service (e.g. ENS) records

Search on EtherscanSearch on Etherscan

Search Address, Transaction, or Token on Etherscan