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OTP Inbox

View your latest email verficiation codes.
AvatarChristo Todorov
394 Installs

OTP Inbox

The fastest way to fill in those pesky OTP codes from your email.

Please Note: OTP Inbox currently only supports Gmail accounts.

OTP Inbox has been tested with a variety of verification emails, but it may not work with all emails. If you encounter any issues, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


  • Automatically detects the OTP code from the email
  • Shows your recent email verification codes
  • Copy the code to your clipboard or paste directly into the active application
  • View recent emails in case the OTP code was not detected correctly


Due to Google restrictions within Raycast extensions, you will need to bring your own Google Client ID to use OTP Inbox. Follow the steps below to create a new Google Cloud project and create an OAuth 2.0 client ID.

Create a new Google Cloud project

  1. Head over to the Google Cloud Console
  2. Create a new project by clicking on the Select a project dropdown in the top navigation bar and then clicking on New Project
  3. Name your project and click Create

This might take a few seconds to create the project

Enable the Gmail API

  1. Head over to the Gmail API page
  2. Click on Enable to enable the Gmail API for your project

Create OAuth 2.0 client ID

Set up OAuth consent screen

  1. Click on the APIs & Services dropdown in the left navigation bar and then click on OAuth consent screen
  2. Select External and click Create
  3. Fill in the required fields (Application name, User support email, Developer contact information, etc.) and click Save and Continue
  4. Click on Add or Remove Scopes and add the following scopes:
    • https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.readonly
    • https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.metadata
  5. Click Save and Continue
  6. Click on Add users and add your email address you want to use with OTP Inbox
  7. Click Save and Continue one more time
  8. Click Back to Dashboard

Create OAuth 2.0 client ID

  1. Click on Credentials in the left navigation bar
  2. Click on Create Credentials and then OAuth client ID
  3. Select iOS as the application type
  4. Name your client ID and set the bundle ID to com.raycast
  5. Click Create

Add the client ID to OTP Inbox

  1. Copy the client ID from the OAuth 2.0 client ID page
  2. Open Raycast and run the OTP Inbox command
  3. Input the client ID when prompted


Feel free to contribute to this Raycast extension. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


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