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Bitly URL Shortener

Quickly shorten the selected URL or current clipboard URL with Bitly
AvatarBlessan Mathew
5,626 Installs

Bitly URL Shortener

Extension to shorten your url’s with Bitly. Copy the url to shorten and then run the command which will put the shortened url in the clipboard.

How to Get Access Token

  1. Go to https://bitly.com/a/sign_in
  2. Login or create an account on Bitly
  3. Generate an access token at https://app.bitly.com/settings/api
  4. If you used an oAuth provider like Google to sign in, please use the password reset flow to create a password which you can use to generate the access token.
  5. Ensure raycast is enabled in System Settings > Privacy & Security > Accessibility

Note: If this instruction wasn't clear, please let me know in Slack Community or feel free to create a PR with improved steps.