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Time Zone Converter

Convert times between different time zones and paste the results
AvatarAlex Jones
181 Installs

Time Converter Raycast Extension

A powerful time zone converter that supports city names, aliases, and flexible time formats.


  • Convert times between multiple timezones
  • Support for common city names and timezone aliases
  • Flexible time input formats (12/24 hour, now, noon, midnight)
  • List or inline output format
  • Configurable default locations


  1. Ensure Node.js 16+ is installed
  2. Clone this repository
  3. Run npm install
  4. Run npm run dev for development
  5. Run npm run build for production build


  1. Open Raycast
  2. Type "Convert Time"
  3. Enter time (e.g., "3PM", "15:00", "now")
  4. Optional: Enter locations (e.g., "NYC, London, Tokyo")
  5. Optional: Choose format ("list" or "inline")


Configure default locations and format in Raycast preferences:

  1. Open Raycast preferences
  2. Navigate to Extensions
  3. Find "Time Converter"
  4. Set your preferred defaults

Supported Time Formats

  • 12-hour: 3PM, 3:30PM
  • 24-hour: 15:00, 15
  • Special: now, noon, midnight

Supported Location Formats

  • City names: London, Tokyo, Paris
  • Acronyms: NYC, LA, SF
  • Timezone IDs: America/New_York, Europe/London


  • npm run dev: Start development mode
  • npm run build: Build for production
  • npm run lint: Run linter
  • npm run publish: Publish to Raycast store
