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Password Store

A Raycast Extension for managing passwordstore.org passwords
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Password Store

Raycast Extension for copying/pasting credentials from your password store (aka pass)
pass is a password manager inspired by the Unix philosophy. It has a command-line interface, and uses GnuPG for encryption and decryption of stored passwords.
This extension allows you to quickly copy/paste passwords using Raycast, without the need to spawn a new terminal.


  • Password Store Location. Defaults to ~/.password-store
  • (optional) GPG decryption password. The extension needs to be able to decrypt your password store files. You can either save you password in your macOS Keychain or you can use this 'preference' to save the your passowrd in the Raycast Extension.


  • pass cli tool installed and configured
  • pass-otp extension installed (optional)

Table of content

List View

The first view of this extension show all the password files (all the files ending in .gpg located in the ~/.password-store directory) List Passwords If a password has already been used within the last 2 minutes it will be displayed as the first option (regardless of the alphabetical order) to make it easier to access (ex. You just used the email for your Steam account, most probably you will also need your password right after that). List Passwords

Password Content View

After a password has been selected, the details view is show.
The details view will contain the following options:

  • Password: The first line of the decrypted file
  • OTP: If the file contains an OTP URI (line starting with otpauth://) and the pass-otp extension is installed.
  • For the remaining lines, if they follow the Key: Value format, a new entry will be added to the options using the Key as a title, and the Value as the value.

ex. password file:


url: https://example.com
email: user@email.com
user: user
Recovery codes: 000-000 000-000 000-000 000-000

Password Details

If the last used options was the 'Password', the OTP options will be added as the first option to make it easier to access (ex. You just used the password for your Steam account. If an OTP field exists, most probably you will need your OTP right after that). List Passwords

Available Actions

The default behaviour when you select an option (by pressing the Enter key) is to 'paste' the value. The secondary option (using the Cmd+Enter) is to copy the value to your clipboard. Password Actions