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vAIb - Your AI Companion

Get quick answers to your quick questions with the power of AI with this free extension.
AvatarVaibhav Sisodiya
246 Installs

AskVaiB - Your AI Companion

Get quick answers to your quick questions with the power of AI with this free extension.


  • vAI: Generates answer to your question with GPT-3.5. You can ask a question by using the ask command.
  • Search using clipboard: Generates answer to your question with GPT-3.5. You can use the clipboard command for this feature.


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install the dependencies with npm install
  3. Build the project with npm run build


Use the ask command to ask a question. The question is a required argument.

Use the clipboard command to search using the clipboard.


  • Run npm run dev to start the development server
  • Run npm run lint to lint the code
  • Run npm run fix-lint to fix linting issues


See CHANGELOG.md for more information.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.