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WordReference Dictionary Translation

Quickly find a word translation using WordReference
AvatarNassim Ben Yaagoub
471 Installs

Raycast WordReference Extension

Raycast WordReference Extension is a quick and easy tool to find translations of a word. This extension is designed to streamline and simplify your translation tasks.


Warning: This extension may not compliant with the Terms of Service of WordReference. Use at your own risk.

This is an unofficial extension developed independently. All data is provided by WordReference and is their property. If there are any concerns or requests for the removal of this extension, we are open to doing so.


  • Quick and easy translations.
  • Integration with Raycast for smooth user experience.

How to Use

  1. Install the Raycast WordReference Extension.
  2. Enter your desired word to translate in the Raycast interface.
  3. Get the translations instantly.


  • Automatically use the selected word as search

Enjoy a hassle-free translation experience!


We welcome contributions from everyone. If you'd like to contribute, please read our contributing guidelines and code of conduct, then get started by picking an issue.


MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.