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James Webb Space Telescope

List data from James Webb Space Telescope's observations, including images, csv, jsons and fits files.
AvatarLeonid Danilov
66 Installs

James Webb Space Telescope Raycast Plugin

Lists all of the publicly available images and data from James Webb Space Telescope's observations



  • Provides a single Raycas command - "James Webb Space Telescope"
  • Lists all of the data grouped by program
  • Lists all of the data by file type (like .jpg, .fits, .csv, etc)
  • Shows detailed information about observation data (photo, mission, description, instruments used)
  • Provides a link to download observation data

Note: Text search works only for the data you've already fetched.


  • This plugin is essentially a view layer built on top of the API from jwstapi.com. Thanks to Kyle Redelinghuys (GitHub profile)
  • Original data comes from Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes
  • Plugin is composed using elemetns from standard Raycast plugin tech. stack: React, TypeScript, @raycast/api and @raycast/utils