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Convenient shortcuts & commands for working with grafana
AvatarFrançois LP
798 Installs


Raycast extension to search dashboards, go to the explore view, create saved queries and list them, create, search and modify annotations, and more to come.

Find this extension on the Raycast store raycast-extensions is released under the MIT license. PRs welcome!


  • Quick access & search to your dashboards
  • Search, create, update & delete an annotation
  • Go to the Explore grafana page
  • List, create & open saved queries

Getting started

  • Go to to your Grafana instance (cloud or self-hosted) and add a new Service Account (e.g. https://<organization>.grafana.net/org/serviceaccounts/create)
  • Give your Service Account a name e.g. Raycast & select the editor role (recommended)
  • Click on Add service account token & store in a secure location the given access token
  • Start a grafana command and fill the required fields
    • Root API Url: is the URL of your grafana instance. If you use Grafana Cloud: https://<organization>.grafana.net
    • Service Account token: your access token previously generated

Now you should be able to manage your Grafana Dashboards with Raycast 🚀.

[!TIP] Set CTRL + CMD + G as a shortcut to open your dashboards from anywhere!


List Dahsboards


List Annotations


Create Annotation


Create saved query

Create a query you often need on Grafana explore via this Raycast extension, to send use it with the "List saved queries" command


List saved queries

Open saved queries directly in your grafana Explore page


Extension built & tested for Grafana Cloud v11