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HideMail - Email Relay Service

Hide Your Real Email Address and Protect Your Identity and Privacy. Create a different identity for each website to hide your real e-mail address. Never receive unwanted emails again! The first 15 mailboxes are free.
AvatarGeorge Daneke
534 Installs

HideMail App

Hide Mail lets you create unique, random email addresses to use with apps, web-sites, and more so your personal email can stay private.


You will need an API key from us to use this extension. When logged in, visit this page to create a fresh API key.

Make sure to copy the token, next you can enter that token inside Raycast to make it work.

Features from HideMail API

  • Create new random email addresses associated with your primary email address
  • View/search all previously created e-mail addresses
  • Activate and deactivate email addresses

Logo Credits

Thanks Bella Daneke for logo