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Amazon AWS

The best way to interact with your AWS resources
AvatarVíctor Falcón
6,600 Installs


  • Find and open resources (e.g. ECR Clusters, ECR Repositories, S3 Bucket, EC2 Instance, DynamoDB Table, CloudWatch Log Group, Parameter Store, Secrets Manager, Glue Jobs)
  • Shortcut repetitive workflows (e.g. purge SQS queue, download S3 object, copy SSM parameter, copy Secret Manager secret)
  • Run configured scripts for any of your AWS profiles
  • Easily switch between account profiles (supports aws-vault and aws-sso)
  • Zero configuration required
  • Quick access to all services in the AWS Console
  • Quick drill-down to ECS Services, ECS Service Tasks, ECS Task Definitions, ECS Task Containers and ECS Task Containers Logs
  • Quick access to Lambda Logs
  • Quick access to Glue Jobs